Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Satire of the Utopian Future Brave New World by Aldous...

While the knowledge of the world around man may open door to him, it leaves his mind filled with endless thoughts that weigh on him. In Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World, Huxley describes a satiric version of the utopian future where humans are genetically bred and classically conditioned to live passively and happily in their subservient culture. Throughout the novel, this idea of happiness verses knowledge and intelligence is brought before the characters of Huxley’s society. The only way this perfect society flourishes is due to the fact that everyone is the same; all of them working for one common goal, all of them believing one common idea. Characters in the novel often shy away from having any sort of intellectual conversation,†¦show more content†¦Any moment that is void of some type of work, is automatically filled with the physical pleasures that soma can produce for them, which leaves them happy but unable to truly think for themselves. There are intellectuals in the society, Alphas, who are allowed to have the most intelligence of the whole society, but just like all other parts of society, are kept in a constant state of suspended happiness. Since their minds are occupied with joy, the need for intellectual discussion or thoughts becomes obsolete. The need for knowledge becomes obsolete to them. Brave New World’s leaders see intellect as the enemy to their well oiled machine of a government. The Director also talks about intellect saying, â€Å"For particulars, as every one knows, make for virtue and happiness; generalities are intellectual necessary evil† (4). Much of the power the World State has over its citizens has to do with intellectual control. The Directors inclination that people should know only a little about the general idea is a way to keep them blind to the knowledge that is around them. Big thoughts lead to thoughts of God, to philosophy, to questioning, to curiosity – all incompatible with blissful ignorance. Since the society of Brave New World is bases on the principle of unity and degrades the idea of the individual, all those who are different feel thisShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Aldous Huxley s Brave New World908 Words   |  4 PagesHistory is bunk... (Huxley, 34). Introducing the historical forces that directed the creation of the dystopia, Huxley delivers this quote through World Controller Mustapha Mond, which seems to contradict Henry Ford due to Ford originally stating it himself. Mond continues to lecture the students with enthusiasm and aspect on the self-destruction of the world of the reader and the construction of the World State, the only option to bedlam. 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