Sunday, March 8, 2020

Comparison between the two movies of essays

Comparison between the two movies of essays Comparison between the two movies of The author of the written version of The most dangerous game was Richard Connell and that story is interested and very exacting. This story occur one of series of details which give a little of suspense but in fact that is not enough. During the story in every part present a little kind of suspense but the suspense is manipulated at the price of consistency. Actually exist many movies which are related with these story and maybe our life also will be outline as a very dangerous game. Both movies which I see, old version and other most recent movie, present some different between, but in both we can see the important action which I call, the real life-and-death struggle, thats the mean of the title, The most dangerous game. In the old version movie start when the yacht is destroy and the passenger treat to reach a desolate island but only one reach them. These man calls Rainsford see some light in looks like a castle. When he arrive to a castle the action start and also the different between both movies star here. In the castle had four addition people and one of them was dump and he was the first person which Rainsford see. The actions are increasing up to Rainsford, with the help of the women; see which he is in the wrong place. He and the women find the place which the General Zaroff commits the murder. The other movie which I see, the actions occur in the forest. In these part had more people than the other movie. During this movie Rainsford had to run to keep alive, that because General Zaroff and their group will be hunt with rifle, arc and arrow, and this group own four tracks, one of the disadvantages of Rainsford has in the second movies which not present in the first. The Rainsford run he decide to turn again to the house and break the padlock of one of the door and then he see human part in small bottle and ther ...